


  我悲痛地得知前中星微集团董事Donald L. Lucas先生去世的消息。对所有认识他的人来说,Lucas先生的离世无疑是一件极大的损失。作为一名伟大且传奇的投资家,Lucas 先生在包括半导体行业在内的许多领域都取得了斐然成绩。他一直被誉为硅谷风险投资的开创人,一生为铸就硅谷的辉煌做出了卓越而不可替代的贡献。我也非常荣幸曾邀请到Lu cas先生多年担任中星微集团的独立董事兼财务和审计委员会主席。在他具有远见卓识、富有经验的培育下,中星微在20年前从一家小型初创企业成长为纳斯达克NASDAQ首家来 自中国的芯片设计企业,并迅速成长为行业领导者。

  作为经验丰富的投资者和管理者,Lucas先生声名远扬于美国硅谷乃至世界各地。其职业生涯始于史密斯巴尼公司的公司财务部。1957年,Donald L. Lucas在第一次投资中就为美国国家半导体公司募集了一半的初始股权融资。此后Lucas先生曾多年担任Draper, Gaither&Anderson(DG&A)风险投资公司的普通和有限合伙人、甲骨文公司和半导体设计软件EDA卡得斯系统设计公司的董事长,以及甲骨文公司董事会财务及审计委员会主席。在晚年高龄的Donald L. Lucas仍然兢兢业业,关注着各行各业的发展,不断扩展着投资版图,其中包括最新的科技领域。并几次来到中国帮助并参与中关村等初创企业包括中星微的发展。

  Donald L. Lucas 也积极投身教育事业。作为斯坦福大学、圣克拉拉大学、贝拉明大学预科学校校董、斯坦福大学校友会成员以及斯坦福商学院校友会成员,Donald L. Luca s大力促进高等教育的发展,为各行业人才的培养做出了极大贡献。

  中星微同世界一起失去了一位有远见的智者。我和我的创始人团队及中星微全体员工向 Donald L. Lucas 的家人以及所有爱他的人送上我们的哀思与祷告。

  In memorial of the Silicon Valley Legend

-----Deep condolence to the former director of Vimicro Group, Mr. Donald L. Lucas

  I was saddened to hear about the passing of Mr. Donald L. Lucas, former director of Vimicro Group. Mr. Lucas was a fantastic individual who will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him. As a legendary investor, he has made significant achievements in many areas including the semiconductor industry. Recognized as the pioneer in venture capital, Donald L. Lucas has made extraordinary and irreplaceable contributions to the prosperity of Silicon Valley. I felt so fortunate to have Mr. Lucas as an independent director and chairman of the finance and audit committee of Vimicro Group for many years. Nurturing from his vision, experience and mentoring, Vimicro has tremendously grown from a garage start-up to the first Chinese chip design company listed in NASDAQ, and then grown into an industry leader in China over the past 20 years.

  Donald L. Lucas enjoyed a high reputation both in Silicon Valley and the world as a seasoned investor and sophisticated manager. His career began in the corporate finance department of Smith, Barney and Co. He made his first investment in 1957, raising half of the initial equity financing for National Semiconductor Corporation. He was a general and limited partner of Draper, Gaither&Anderson (DG&A). He also served as chairman of Oracle and Cadence Design Systems, as well as chairman of Oracle's Board of directors and finance and audit committee. Mr. Lucas, in his later years, was still dedicated to the development of all walks of life and the expanding investment territory, including the latest technology fields. He has visited China many times to help the development of startups including Vimicor in Zhongguancun.

  Donald L. Lucas was also passionately involved in education. As the director of Stanford University, Santa Clara University, Preparatory School of Bellarmine University, member of Stanford Alumni Association and Stanford Business School Alumni Association, Donald L. Lucas vigorously promoted the development of higher education and made great contributions to the cultivation of talents in various industries.

  The world has lost a visionary, so did Vimicro. I and my co-founder team, together with all the staff of Vimicro group, would like to extend our condolence and prayers to Donald L. Lucas's family and all those who love him.

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